
Sunday, 30 December 2012

Top Quality Websites And Designs

 Have you ever wondered where all the BIG 'gurus' get their Top Quality websites and designs from? 

 You know, the sites you see all the time, that are raking in thousands and thousands every single day Well, a lot of BIG marketers get their websites and designs from a place that they trust to come up with the goods...

 'Planet Divinity' is the place I'm talking about of course, have you seen it yet: I'll bet you thought these professional marketers pay thousands for their jaw dropping designs and fully automated websites...

 Well, you could not be further from the truth! Planet Divinity are quite simply the lowest cost, highest quality pre-made website and graphic designers on the net... Bar NONE!

 If you don't believe me, go take a look for yourself here Planet Divinity Once you have your own 'professional' website or design, you'll start to see it reflect on your sales... BIG TIME!

 Remember that age old saying 'a picture paints a thousand words', well, believe me it REALLY does! Go and download a pre-made, ready to go, fully automated website right now and you'll see exactly what I mean Planet Divinity

Thursday, 13 December 2012

How To Make Money Online - With Chris Farrell


I want to introduce you to my friend Chris Farrell.

You may have heard of Chris....

...he has been voted the Number 1 Internet Marketing Service Online.

Chris has thousands (literally)
of incredible - and verifiable - testimonials.

A few examples:

    * New standards in internet marketing education

    * The best investment I have made!

    * Online With Traffic in 6 Weeks With Chris's Membership

    * The Most Comprehensive IM Training You'll Get Online

    * Absolutely Brilliant !

Chris Farrell Membership

    *  Accomplished More in 2 Weeks Than In The Past 2 Years

    *  Chris Farrell Delivers Content and Value

    *  What Is Promised Is OVER Delivered!

    *  This is The Place To Be If You Want Great, Honest Help and Advice

    *  >>Essential For The Newbie<<

Chris Farrell Membership

    * Why Didn't Someone Tell Me About Chris Farrell's Site Six Months Ago?

    * Chris Farrell - a brilliant tutor and a marketer of the highest integrity

    * When Does This Guy Sleep?

    * The new breed of internet marketer has arrived

    * From unskilled to proficient in 4 hours

    * Chris delivers over the top 110% time after time after time many, many, many more.

All these testimonials are 100% verifiable
(and you can see thousands more at the link below)

Chris Farrell Membership

Now  lets get serious for a moment.

I know you have expressed
an interest about making money online.

The web is still in its infancy...

...but this opportunity will not be around forever.

So - if you are ready to take things
to the next level - please take a look here.

Chris Farrell Membership

If you have ANY questions - and I mean ANY - please do not hesitate to ask.

My very best to you,


Arthur Casey
Chris Farrell Membership
Chris Farrell
Voted No. 1 Internet Marketing Service by

'...the moment one commits oneself, then providence moves too.  All
sorts of things occur to help that never otherwise would have occurred...'
                                       - Goethe

Friday, 7 December 2012

The Ultimate Facebook Marketing Guide

  Hey there,
Ever want to know how to get a lot more people interested  
in buying your products and services with Facebook?

I know I have, but it's never been easy to understand.
Until now.

Check this video out to see what I mean: 

Amy Porterfield is the co-author of "Facebook Marketing All in  
One For Dummies" and in this video she show you how simple it is to:Get more fans interested in your products/services

  • Turn average fans into Super Fans
  • Turn those Super Fans into customers for life
  • How to advertise on Facebook for a lot less money than you think
  • And a lot more...
Watch this video to hear what all the rave is about for this training.
Check it out here: 

You don't want to miss out on learning how to maximize Facebook...  
take action now and watch this video:

Arthur Casey

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Free Webinar -With Chris Farrell

This weekend Chris Farrell -- is hosting a very special webinar. ...with a very special guest! Here is what he had to say

I've made you a  quick 2 minute video here with all the juicy details....
Free Webinar This Weekend
If you would like to get MORE SALES...

...or if you would like to get MORE OPT INS...

...then this webinar is for you.

For more information -- please click here now.

I'm excited to share this with you!

Kindest always

Chris Farrell
Voted No 1 Online Coach 2011/2012 - by IMReportCard

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

30 Ideas in 30 Minutes

30 Ideas in 30 Minutes

With the 2012 holiday season just around the corner, now’s the time for businesses to kick their marketing into high gear.

To help make your marketing merry & bright, take a look at (or just listen in the background to) this recording of 30 ideas from past successful campaigns  all in under 30 minutes.

In this video your will hear :
  • The top holiday marketing trends to try this season
  • Stories and examples from past successful holiday campaigns
  • Quick ideas and tips you can apply immediately to your business
With 30 ideas in 30 minutes, you’re guaranteed to find a few just perfect for promoting your brand and take advantage of the some new and unique opportunities to connect to with customers during the holidays

Happy Viewing, and Happy holiday Marketing!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Squeeze Page Creation Software - Squeeze Ninja Review

The New Squeeze Page Creation Software 

Provided by MemberSpeed.

Okay first off, I want to get something off my chest before you continue reading…I really hate reviewing squeeze page (or any page) creation software for that matter.

Like you, I consider my time valuable, so learning a new software application that I will probably never use, just gets me in a pissed off mood. Most of them don’t do half of what promotional material promises, but I will still need to spend hours of my precious life to find that out, so I can review them. I wouldn’t have even tested this software out, if it had not been for the recommendation of an online marketing comrade, whom I respect more for his judgment in products than my own judgment, in personal matters. Therefore, if you consider my attitude at the start, you’ll understand why I was ready with my stop-watch to document the entire process so I could write my scathing review post and get back to doing something more enjoyable like getting a root canal. So, after lunch at exactly 1:05 in the afternoon, I entered my PayPal information, checked my email, and logged into the SqueezeNinja site, per the instructions. The SqueezeNinja sign up process was replete with corny Ninja jokes, which had me chuckling despite my aforementioned attitude but for all their attempts to distract me, I kept my timer going, if nothing but for journalistic integrity. Surely the next part, would be excruciatingly long, confusing, and probably both. Instead, I was greeted with an introduction video and a link to download the software.


While I began to download the software to my PC, I started the introduction video, which only lasted 8 minutes and ten seconds, the moderator was clear and concise, and he explained step-by-step how to upload the files I had received to my own server using Filezilla. He also explained how to get the open source .ftp upload software if you didn’t already have it. 

Because I already had a copy of Filezilla on my laptop, I was able to turn around and have the SqueezeNinja files uploaded to my website in time to follow along with his software registration and customization instructions, which completed this introduction video. 

I suppose I could have dragged out the process by stopping my timer deleting my copy of Filezilla and following his instructions but I was in a hurry to get to the part where I could show you how the software didn’t work as described.
All totaled then for those of you keeping track by quarter after one I had my copy of SqueezeNinja online, registered and “conceivably” ready to go. 

Ahead of me still were three more videos but as I clicked on them and followed the step-by-step instructions including the times I paused them to catch up, I was able to create  my first squeeze page in less than forty five minutes.
At 1:58 I was testing my first squeeze page by entering one of my garbage email addresses, had received confirmation to the new list, and was downloading my thank-you gift. 

All totaled, it took me less than one hour to build the first working squeeze page!

Check out my 1st Squeeze Page Here

It worked, I was dumb founded!
The last squeeze page I had made took me over six hours to create, meaning even with this being the first time ever using SqueezeNinja, I still was able to shave off five hours from my previous record! 

This software might possibly change my mind about page creation software forever! 
But my test was not complete; the sales page said I should be able to complete a squeeze page in less than three minutes so knowing how it worked, I set about putting it to the test. 

So I set my timer back to zero and clicked the “Create New Site” button and shouted GO! (Despite the fact, I was alone in my office and no one could hear me.) 

This time, I was held up at my autoresponders website creating a new list, which took me a few minutes because I couldn’t remember my login.


This may or may not be fair to include in my official time. However, I have no way of separating it accurately from the final results. That said I concluded my second squeeze page using SqueezeNinja in a respectable 10 minutes and twenty-two seconds! 

Having created twice as many squeeze pages in one day than I had ever accomplished before, I declared my test of SqueezeNinja an overwhelming success! 

I’m spending the remainder of the day writing this blog post and then it’s off to celebrate getting more work done today than I ever thought possible. 

All thanks to SqueezeNinja!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Common Facebook Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Check out Facebook Power!

Common Facebook Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Many people approach Facebook with a traditional mindset and consequently make many mistakes along the way...

...but Facebook is a new medium for communication & marketing and as such requires new methods...

...while doing Facebook consulting for health companies, landscapers, publishers and other businesses I encountered three common mistakes.

These three common mistakes are listed below and so are tips so that you can avoid them:

Common Facebook Marketing Mistake #1

=> Flooding the news stream with too many posts

Even if you only have an hour a week for Facebook marketing you can line up all of your posts for the week.

Facebook pages now enable you to schedule posts from within Facebook by using the clock icon in the bottom left of the status update box.

Instead of posting as much as you can whenever you have time line your content up at the beginning of the week you can post your content at optimized times so your content hits the news feed when the most people are looking at it...

...some sure fire engagement tactics include:

Sharing Infographics
Awesome Quotes
Sharing Pictures
Using the Tagging Feature
Asking Questions

Common Facebook Marketing Mistake #2

=> Posting too many sales posts

If you want your fans to care about you and your business you have to first show that you care about them...

...If all of your messages are focused on selling your products and services without adding value for your community you will find that many of your fans will disappear forever...

Luckily if you do the opposite of this and are posting useful, cool and engaging updates not only will people stay they will participate in your page and this will help your page attract in new fans as their activity is broadcast through the social graph.

Common Facebook Marketing Mistake #3

> Not offering an incentive with a call to action for people to like your page

The harsh truth us that if you don't offer an incentive for people to like your page and tell them to like it most people simply won't.

The reason many people do not enjoy a rapidly growing fan base is because they do not know how to set the custom app needed to set this up.

No worries, module #1 of fbPower has step by step instructions, a video, and professionally designed templates so that you can get set up with an optimized Facebook landing page of your own.

And the best part is once you know how to set up a custom landing tab you can charge businesses a minimum of $197 to help them set up a proper landing tab for their Facebook business page!

Check out how Facebook Power can help you get paid to Facebook and take your Facebook Marketing to the next level:


I know that not everyone is super tech savvy and that is why Facebook Power comes with complete tech support from me personally so that you can rest assured that you will get the help you need to get an optimized Facebook Page that will give you a competitive edge in the market. :)

P.S. Just in case you missed the news FBPower now comes with a multi-platform mobile app through which all content can be accessed. It works on iPhones, iPads, Androids and even in Google Chrome & Safari. :-)


Check out Facebook Power!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

What is QR Code

What is QR Code

QR Code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside the industry due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes

Formerly only for industrial uses, they have in recent years become common in consumer advertising and packaging, because the popularity of smartphones "has put a barcode reader in everyone's pocket for the first time. As a result, the QR Code has become a focus of advertising strategy.

Smartphone Technology - QR code is  a boom for Advertisers and Businesses all over the world due to the fast growing Mobile Phone usage.

I highly recommend you visit the easiest QR code generator you can find on the web right here below, totally free . Think of the endless opportunities !

Check out my FanPage  with your Smartphone 

Arthur Casey

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Publish on Amazon Kindle for Cash

"Publish Your Own Book Tonight And Start Generating Sales On Amazon Tonight As Well With This Quick New System!"

The REAL Way To Get Published Overnight And Get Your Book For Sale On Fast

Do you dream of one day writing a book and becoming a published author that gets respect and notoriety?
Would you like to be able to share a copy of your book with friends, family and business associates as their jaws drop in amazement?
If so, you’re in the right place and you could achieve this simply by requesting your Free exclusive Publish On Kindle For Cash report here
  • Learn What Amazon Kindle Is And Why It’s The Biggest Publishing Breakthrough In A Long Time!
  • What It Takes To Get Your Book Published Fast And Exactly How To Do It Step By Step!
  • How To Market Your Book Utilizing And What Kind Of Sales You Can Expect!
In your free Publish On Kindle For Cash report you will learn how to create a new income stream for your business or to supplement your current income!
You’ll also be able to gain all the fame, fortune & credibility that comes with being a published author and known expert in your field!
Everything you need is here in the Free Publish On Kindle For Cash report – so grab your copy today!

Saturday, 20 October 2012

PinRanker -Pinterest Software

PinRanker Traffic and Marketing Suite

PinRanker software is absolutely Awesome for making money with your images using Pinterest
 To learn more please Click Here and watch the video to see what this software can do and how easy it is to use

PinRanker Traffic and Marketing Suite

Disavow links - Latest Google Webmasters Tool

Disavow links - Latest Google Webmasters Tool

Matt Cutts explains the the latest Google Update "Disavow links" and the new tool you can can use at Google Webmasters.

 HOW TO USE GOOGLE Webmaster Tools

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Techniques In Affiliate Marketing Done By The Best

The percentage behind affiliate marketing is that: 

20 percent of affiliates produce 80 percent of all income; while

80 percent of affiliates generate 20 percent of all income.
Ironic but true.

You would almost certainly want to be one of those 20 percent that is earning the 80 percent of the total earnings. Who wouldn’t ?

Follow these basic steps and you will find yourself sharing the profits that the most fortunate ones are getting.

1. The best affiliate marketer cover their web site links. Cloaking affiliate links may not seem necessary, but it actually is. Apparently, visitors will not tend to click on your link when they see that it is leading to an affiliate program on your site once they point their mouse over them.
The usual tendency is for them to go directly to the affiliate domain. Thus ignoring your affiliate ID from the URL displayed. The best way to avoid this problem is by covering your URL. There are cloaking tools available over the Internet that you can take advantage of.

2. Successful affiliate marketers create and distribute their articles. Writing articles regarding your market niche is necessary to expand your reputation as a specialist in your field.
You can get the greatest benefits not just from writing these articles but also from getting those articles published and reprinted by other site owners and ezine publishers. Your articles will then give you both reputation and links from other web sites because of the resource box attached at the each of each article.

3. Affiliate marketers focus on a market niche. Loading your site with content that is focused on a certain product or service niche is one way of getting more web traffic in your target market.
There are tools over the Internet that can help you point out market niches that is important for your website.

4. Top affiliate marketers uses autoresponders. Autoresponders are important tools that makes you capable of sending a timed series of email messages to those persons that signed up for them.
Most of the time, these autoresponders are sent through by a third party provider. Look for the best provider that will cater to your autoreponder needs. I recommend Aweber

5. Smart affiliate marketers build web pages in order to pre-sell. Create either testimonial pages or review pages that talk about and pre-sell the product or service you are affiliated with. This is the best method of getting increased orders for your chosen affiliate programs.
Many programs truly offer an article or recommended text to sell their products for you and permits duplication of those articles with your links implanted.

6. An outstanding affiliate marketer collects email addresses. The best affiliates gather email addresses on their web site by presenting free reports thru autoresponders like Aweber ,giving out ebooks and newsletter signup forms.
This method is best used in building your own list of email addresses to contact. This also lets you contact potential customers that clicked away once they got into the affiliate program website.

7. Top affiliate marketers market everywhere. You can advertise using PPC or enzine advertising depending on your market niche. Some categories of Pay-per-click can be expensive, but advertising somewhere is needed to get additional traffic to your site.
There are some good bargains in enzine advertising and some less popular PPC engines other than Yahoo's Overture and Google's Adwords you can check out.

8. Affiliate marketers optimize for the search engines. Search engine optimization is now getting more complex as new and more webmasters participate. But the basics put into your site can add to your visibility over time.
The most critical of the many SEO techniques is the use title tags that shows individual page content. Many webmasters write a master title tag and apply that site-wide. This is the worst thing you could do for search engine ranking.

9. Affiliate marketers have their own mailing lists. The best of affiliate marketers have their own newsletter or Ezine and gather email addresses on their site to build their list of subscribers.
Having this list allows regular contact with potential customers interested in your site, your product and your market niche.
If you understand and make use of the above mentioned techniques, you can be one of the top people that are making it big in affiliate marketing. Clickbank and Amazon are 2 great places to start your affiliate marketing
Clickbank Click Here
Amazon Click here

PinRanker Traffic and Marketing Suite

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Friday, 5 October 2012

[webinar] The Key To Automating Your Business

The Key To Automating Your Business -Webinar


 "I just can't make a consistent income with my business!" - Maybe you've said this before, or maybe you are making a consistent income but you can't take a vacation!

 What really separates the businesses that succeed and the businesses that fail? Is there really something simple that can separate you from your competition and almost guarantee your business will stay a success story?

 There's no magic bullet, but there is one key thing that can lead to the success of your business, but before we get to the solution we need to first define the problem.

 Join us right now on this instant Webinar where we'll discuss 'the small business problem' and present a solution that can integrate with virtually any business model. Sign up for Webinar: Click Here 

 Well be covering the following:

- What is 'the small business problem'?
- How you already have the solution.
- The tools you'll need to build systems that generate monthly revenue.
- How to automate sales in your business with Membership websites.
- And much more! Again, don't forget to sign up for this information packed Webinar :

Sign Up Here Today

We look forward to seeing you on the call

- Arthur Casey
 Ps. be sure to bring your pen and paper, you're going to want to take notes on this one!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

89 Digital Download Bargain - PLR

The Greatest Collection ever put together of FULLY Unrestricted Private Label Rights, that you can grab, right now, for
literally pennies each!
That's right - 89 of the hottest Unrestricted Private Label Rights products ever released and now they're all together in one massive killer collection!
You might have one of them, you might have several of them, and you might even have them with Master Resell Rights, but I can almost guarantee that you don't have all of these, with Unrestricted Private Label Rights, all in one place on your hard drive, that you can make your own, sell as is (or whatever you want to do with them), and profit from - immediately!
Your Private Label Rights Terms & Conditions:[YES] Can be edited.
[YES] Can put your name as the author.
[YES] Can be broken down into articles.
[YES] Can be used as web or e-zine content.
[YES] Can be added into membership sites.
[YES] Can be sold in any format.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be given away (in any format).
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can offer (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can resell Private Label Rights.
[YES] Can be published offline.

this means that you can do whatever you want with them!

If you paid $10 each for these - which would be a great price for a product with completely unlimited income potential - that you could completely make your own, you'd end up paying $890.00 for this massive collection.
If you only paid $5 each - which would be WAY under market value and an incredible deal, this killer package would set you back a hefty $445.00 - and be worth every cent of it.
But you won't pay anywhere near that amount!
(and if the price isn't enough to make you jump out of your
seat - just wait till you see the special bonus!)

You will Receive
#1 - Full UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights:

Profit Funnel Ideas33 Pages of No Restriction PLR!
A Goldmine Of Ideas That You Can Use To Create a Complete Range Of Products And Profit From Them Instantly!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Book In PDF Format, Raw Word (DOC) File And An Editable Photoshop (Source) eBook Cover!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Most Viral Facebook Tool Ever Made

See the Most Viral Facebook Tool Ever Made

Hey there,

If you ever use Facebook to market your brand…

Or if you really want to, but haven’t because you don’t know where to start (and with millions of Facebook pages out there, how do you stand out from the crowd anyway?)….

You must check out this awesome WP Plugin:

This is the hands-down best way to market your Facebook Fan Page.

The original version, WP4FB, has over 10,000 users. And version 2.0 is not just an upgrade, it’s an entirely new program that lets you
- Create Sweepstakes and run them from your Fan Page (one of the best ways to generate massive viral
- Reward fans for referring their friends to your brand.
- Send out viral messages, helping your products and services spread rapidly to new customers.
- Create a Welcome Page 2.0 (even with Facebook’s New Timeline) and then link all of your posts,
   messages, and other viral activity right back to it
   And that’s only scratching the surface!

See everything that WP4FB 2.0 does, right here:

Check this plugin out right now, while it’s still at its introductory price.

Arthur Casey
P.S. For a limited time, the creator is also showing WP4FB 2.0 customers his secret to getting an unlimited number of SSL Certificates, for absolutely free. To get all of the details, visit the plugin site now!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Social Dieters

Meet Social Dieters Right Now

Join A Free Social Network For Healthy Conscious People  GO!

Social Dieters helps people that are on a diet meet others that are also 
on nutritional regimes to establish friendships, find out new information 
about healthy eating and fall in love with someone special.




Social Dieters 138-07 82nd Drive, Briarwood, NY 11435
Remove yourself from the list

Paul’s Opportunity

Partner with paul

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